Edward Salley Baby Book - Part Four

The text says:

Born - Tuesday - March ?? - 1916 at twelve forty-five

Baby’s Name - Edward Michael Salley Junior

Baby’s Parents - Mother - Grace Podesta Salley - Father - Edward Michael Salley

Mother's Parents Mr. & Mrs. Anglo Podesta

Father’s Parents Jane Tierney Salley/Edward Salley

Inscription: We’ve found a blessed Baby,/ That in the night-fall came/ All unannounced from Heaven,/Without a card or name;/The angles must have brought it here/For us to love - Our Baby Dear!

I have a few thoughts about this entry. I assume that it was Grace Salley filling out this book, so why doesn’t she write her mother’s name down? Instead she refers to her parents as Mr. and Mrs. Podesta. The poem at the bottom goes along with the stork theme of the cover. It implies that babies just appear, cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. It erases the messy pain of childbirth and the effort of the mother in a way that I find somewhat offensive.